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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  November 2, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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a shift on capital skwol hill might be in -- capitol hill might >> tonight bay area news at 7:00. a shift on capital skwol hill might be in -- capitol hill might be in motion. the giants return with a huge celebration with the biggest party planned for tomorrow. it's tuesday november 2nd, this is bay area news at 7:00. californiaens have one more hour to cast their bat skwols. there's a lot at stake and it all comes on a night where republicans are poised to make gains nation-wide and potentially force nancy from her house.
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jana katsuyama is keeping tabs but start at a look at the national picture. carol han is live in washington d.c. where republicans are looking for a shift in the balance of power. >> good evening, gasia. the big headline. republicans are already starting to celebrate what they're saying is a big win. let me show you a graphic of why republicans leaders say they have this race in the bag. see that nsh 39, that's the number of seats -- see that number 39, that's the number of seats that republicans need. it appears that gop has appeared that milestone. if that's the case, then this man, will probably replace speaker nancy as the speaker of the house. he's a man of the hour, vip of tonight's celebrations.
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he's on the phone, and so what does this mean for nancy? political insiders say it's looking for unlikely that she'll stay on in the house democratic leadership. she might leave washington all together, but the primary story of the night is right here in the republican election watch party where the cheers are starting to get louder as voters start hering that number 39 t number of seats needed to take control. live from washington. >> here in california, the polls are open until 8:00 tonight, but interest in this election is high, and in san francisco voter turn out is robust. jana katsuyama is live at city hall with details. >> well gasia, it has been busy ever since 5:00. there's a line behind this area
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that stretches 60 to 70 people. you can see all the polling booths are full, and they've entered some chairs so there's a spill over area and overflow area to help people get through this process. they're expecting according to officials, this could end up being an even higher turn out than the last election where the turn out was 60%. they have no reports of problems so far at the polling sites or here at city hall. election officials were doing traffic patrol as voters cast their ballots and despite the midterm election, there were plenty of issues to that drew people out. >> the big thing for me is the governor. >> to those that wanted to vote on whether to legalize marijuana. >> i'm going for the prop 19.
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i think it's going to make history in america, and i want to be part of history. >> san francisco has more than 465,000 rinl registered voters. right now you can see they're processing those vote by mail ballots. if you haven't turned yourself in, don't put it into the post office box or mailbox. you're to wring bring it to the polling stations by 8:00 if you want the vote to be counted. again vote by mailboxes to the polls by 8:00. we'll be standing by as they bring in the preliminary results which should be shortly after the polls close. reporting live ktvu channel 2 news. >> election workers in the south bay are fighting an unusual problem. ink smudges on ballots. it was discovered last week. the smudges cause cause them to be rejected.
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a low-tech fix is being used, erasers. they promise they'll make sure everyone's vote is counted. political observers are keeping an eye here in california tonight, and barbara boxer greeted supports at the oakland grill. she's seeking her fourth term in office. republican ballot cast her ballot. during the campaign she talked about her business background and promised to cut red tape. one of the state's most contentious ballots is a race for governor. they indicate jerry brown with the lead over megawhitman. mike is in oakland following the campaign.
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>> gasia, the stage is set here at the hilton and universal city. the colors orange and green for meg whitman. the question, will she be at this pulpit. we're going to find out in a few hours. the public won't be let into here about 8:00 tonight and watch the results on several big screens and flat screen tvs set up throughout the room. earlier today dozens of media along with crews showed up to put the finishing touches on this lighting, get the sound system ready for the party tonight. whitman spint the election day in pasadena talking with her supports. whitman arrived at the hilton about 2:00 this afternoon and we spoke with her and she said
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she's feeling good and will watch the results in the hotel room. whit mab's campaign we -- whitman's campaign says they're on the phones and still busy and using every minute they have to get support. she has spent a lot of her own money on this campaign, and earlier today she said she has not regretted spending any of that. as for her opponent, he's hosting a party in oakland tonight. that's where mike is live. >> good evening. the scene is set here at the fox theater in downtown oak labd. -- oakland. the tvs are set, and band is in place. some democratic supporters are starting to pile in the back which they hope will be a victory party. jerry brown voted at afire
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house this morning he built a $5 billion surplus in the late 1970s and don't mean he will right the ship 35 years later, but having that experience and having the willingness to work both sides of the i'll helps during these tough times. talking to some brown supporters inside the fox they say shell not become -- she will not become the first woman governor because he was up 10
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points in the early polls. >> and for election updates any time, go to and click on the tab at the top of our home page, and we'll monitor your feedback online. follow us on facebook in other news san francisco homicide detectives are investigating a shooting that left a 22-year- old man dead. this afternoon they told us the victim is san francisco resident helton. he died at san francisco general hospital. it happened 2 minutes before midnight. police have not found the shooter. they say that helton had a history of involvement with a western addition gang. seven people were rescued from a burning building. the fire was reported just after 6:00 a.m. at a three-story building near 7th avenue. about 40 firefighters responded rescuing seven people from the upper floors.
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investigators say it appears the fire began in the basement, but tonight the cause is still under investigation. we have new information tonight about a robbery that happened last saturday which two men stole a purse and a dog from an 80-year-old woman in alameda. police have released this video of the car they were driving. it's blue ciara with a tan or grey left front panel. the woman's stolen dog is a 5- year-old dog named duke. anyone with information can contact the alameda police department. the party is just starting for giant's fans. a heros welcome in san francisco. we'll look ahead to tomorrow's big parade, and what went wrong during last night's celebration. >> and san francisco gavin's team is wondering if he'll be the next lieutenant governor coming up. >> and when i come back, we'll
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look at the parade forecast.
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>> hundreds honored the world series champs with a rousing welcome at at&t park. [ cheering and applause ] [ cheering and applause ] zwl some fans stayed up until 4:00 a.m. to greet them. >> this is why we're here. it's 4:00 in the morning and these people are out here supporting us. it's just awesome. [ cheering and applause ] >> later on president barack obama called with his
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congratulations and invited the giants for the traditional white house visit. not all the celebrating was festive. some fans got rowdy and into the early morning hours, despite some arrest, the party was mostly peaceful. rob ross has this report. >> here at the sketcher's shoe store on 22nd avenue, store workers were still cleaning up from one of the rowdier giant's celebration. they spray painted the word giants. >> i'm just you know, not that mad. it's part of the celebration. i'm just glad there's no broken windows. >> last night after the victory, the celebration was still in the streets. >> there was some small fines set. a sofa was set on fire. >> in the midst of all of it, two people that came from the peninsula, tried to get through the celebration, and some people in the crowd pulled the driver and passenger out of car
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and taken to the hospital with minor injury. one officer was injured after being struck by a bottle. but other than a few isolated incidents, the celebration was mostly peaceful. law enforcement was brought in. >> there was thousands of people in the streets it was a celebration with very few pockets that turned badly. >> market street is going to be lined with fans for the parade. it is set to get jushd way at 11:00 -- underway at 11:00. >> and city leaders are encouraging people to take public transportation to that parade tomorrow morning. it's scheduled to start on montgomery street and move up market, and then at the sifblg center where mayor new newsom
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will present a key to the city. >> this will be a family event and people will feel safe and secure, and confident about the parade. >> it is the same one they took to celebrate their move from san francisco to new york back in 1958. if you can't make it, watch our coverage starting at 10:30 a.m. world series championship is giving bay area sporting goods story something to celebrate. fans were snapping up hats, t- shirts marking the victory over the rangers. many of the items were made overnight then rushed to stores including t-shirts printed in union city. fans attended the playoff games have a new way to brag about it to their friends. major league baseball has posted pictures of the fans at the
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game and find their photo and connect it to their facebook page. we posted it on our link at the supreme court today the justices heard arguments on a california law that would prevent children from buying ultra violent video games. these are showing images of people maimed or tortured. another conservative was skeptical. he suggested that the founding fathers did not intend to exclude pictures of violence from first amendment protection. returning to election coverage, prop 19 was drawing the most attention. it would legalize recreational use of marijuana, and allow counties to regular wlat and tax marijuana. -- regulate and tax marijuana.
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it would create $18 a year vehicle licensing fee, oil companies backed prop 23 to reduce carbon emissions. oil giants poured money into proposition 26 and pass fees on businesses rather than the majority. san francisco mayor gavin newsom will be on his way to san francisco. david stevenson is live with more. >> well gasia, gavin's supporters and members of his campaign are making last-minute preparations at this bar and restaurant as they await the closing of the polls. you can see the podium set up for his to speak, and supposed to be a low-key event with few other insiders expect to share the stage. now here's a look at newsom voting in his neighborhood accompanied by his wife and daughter.
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he spent the day overseeing plans for the giant's parade and celebrations for tomorrow. feel poll shows him with a 5- point lead over republican opponent. his election gathering is in irvine irvine. if he wins sets up a tricky issue of how and who the san francisco board of supervisors will appoint to fill out the rest of his term for mayor. we hope to get analysis from the mayor on that when he appears after the polls close. we're told that this might go on for a while because it's somewhat of a close race. but we'll be here, and bring you his speech as well. for now reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. >> preelection polls show one of the tightest state-wide races to hitd los angeles. da harris cast her vote this morning.
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she's battling cooley for the office of state attorney general being vacated by jerry brown. investigators awaited the outcomes of the election. dow gained 64 points and investigators likely factored in the expected republican take over of the house, if not the senate and slide in the dollar contributed to today's serge. the nasdaq rose 28 points. despite a glitch tonight, they were set to deliver the first robot to space later this week. it's a 300 pound robot that has multiple cameras in its head and most sophisticated hands in the world for robots. the launch is now scheduled for noon on thursday. one bay area cab company is making its effort to vote by offering free rides. chief meteorologist bill martin tells us what parts of the region are warmest tomorrow.
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if there's no tv nearby, watch bay area news at 7:00 on your computer. we're streaming life on the web at
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>> and we have a big parade to talk about.
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temperature downtown san francisco on market street at 11:00 going to be mostly sunny and a beautiful day for the victory day. no fog, light winds, and just warm. above average temperatures and it will be cold tonight. overnight lows in the low 40s. maybe some patchy fog in the north bay, not a lot of it, but the dew points are high and we're seeing fog out by black point and alexander valleys. you know the spots. you might see some tomorrow morning. what we do see a jet stream north, high pressure over us, whether goes well out of our area at least until saturday. so we stay warm, we stay dry, the warmest day probably thursday, mid-80s in the warm spot and temperatures come down after that.
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this ridge or arch of jet stream comes down around us. forecast highs tomorrow, oranges are 80s lots of them tomorrow, and not just low 80s, but maybe some mid-80s. this could be your forecast for thursday as well. and then friday temperatures a little bit cooler and you'll see that in your forecast for friday. it is fog-free long the coast and high surf advisory in effect and very dangerous. stay away from the coast. of course you know it and it's just not a good time to be out there. forecast 80 in walnut creek, 81 in danville, forecast for the santa clara valley with good air quality and fire danger not off the coast, santa cruz, pacifica and daily city with fog-free conditions.
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so five-day forecast that includes more clouds saturday night, and maybe a chance of sprinkle as we roll into sunday morning. we'll watch that closely for you and i'll see you back here at 10:00. >> thanks, bill. and that warm weather you talked about and surfs make a great day interest surfers. surfers were out in force north of half-moon bay to take advantage of these conditions. a high surf advisory is in effect until tomorrow. a cab company offered free rides to the poll. they said they posted two dozen taxis to take voters and it's not too late to take advantage of the service. they are available until 8:00 p.m.. if you need a ride call friendly cab and ask for an election poll taxi. thanks for joining us.
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